2275 22ND NE Unit 202A Calgary AB T2E 7L9
If you are having any issue downloading your slip, please send us your sin# at [email protected] and we will email you a copy of your slip.
By entering your Social Insurance Number (SIN) below, you consent to the use of your SIN for the purpose of accessing your tuition slips. Your SIN will be stored securely and will not be shared with third parties. You are responsible for keeping your SIN confidential and should not share it with others. Your SIN will only be used for the purpose of accessing your tuition slips and will be securely deleted once it's no longer needed. We confirm our duty of confidentiality and professional secrecy with respect to all client affairs. We disclaim, and you release us from, any liability or responsibility whatsoever for the interception or unintentional disclosure of communications transmitted by us in connection with the downloading of your tuition slips. We disclaim any liability for unauthorized access to your tuition slips if you share your SIN with others or if there is a security breach despite our efforts to secure the data.